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Our COPEC unit : Power DCDC converter from 3kW to 50kW
1.0 How to lead coordination of isolation ?
The main international standards NF EN60664-1 (or
IEC 60664-1) give requirements and methods to
achieve a good isolation inside power systems (we talk
mainly about clearance and creepage distances). The
isolation depends on:
Rated voltage,
Physical pollution degree: PD1, PD2 and PD3. This
should consider all product life cycle,
Electric pollution: Cat. I, II, III, IV: often, the
electrical network on which systems are connected
is basically not clean (due to homogeneous or
heterogeneous shock voltages),
Altitude: since the year 2007, the standard
considers the effect of altitude > 2000 m (in case of
transportation and storage). To have a significant
margin, consider that civil EV vehicles cannot be
driven over an altitude of 4000 m approximately
(mountain roads).
The rules of art IPC-2221 give
recommendations for functional
isolation and not basic isolation.
Functional isolation is for
electrical potentials that are in
the same group of voltage, when
basic, supplementary, or
reinforced isolation is for
insulation between different
groups of voltage.
On mobility application (EV
vehicle, solar, fuel cell) it is
defined for Urated < 1000 VDC.
Basically, designers can apply
the rule shock voltage = 2xUrated
+ 1000 = 3 kV to define the
maximum overvoltage that can
happen on networks (due to
inverters noises and connection
to AC mains voltage for
example). This standard
considers the impact of shock
voltages > 3 kV.
2.0 Go further in the details By applying this standard, designers can make systems
circuits with basic isolation, additional isolation, or
reinforced isolation with the good level of protection:
By using primary or secondary circuits (as defined
by IEC 60950-1),
By using basic or reinforced isolation that increase
the reliability and the safety,
By using supplementary isolation that is useful in
case of failures of components (intrinsic safety or
safety by redundancy),
If any, by using suitable printed circuit board
(through the comparative tracking Index - CTI).
Basically, other similar standards can be used to define
the isolation: EN 50124-1 (railway), EN 60950
(electrical cabinet). But due to new embedded or
stationary energy systems (higher DC voltages and
more functional safety aspects), designers should
foresee new requirements given through an insulation
coordination and create or update their internal
corporate policy.
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